G Kane
I had plantar fasciitis for one year and seven months. Went to my family doctor and a podiatrist who had me do stretches and ice. During this time I went a total of three days without limping. I bought the best Red Wing boots which did help but not much. I slept with a boot on my right foot for a year which helped but I still limped. Now my left foot was starting to hurt.
After seeing ads for these inserts I gave in and bought them. The first day was a noticeable improvement. The second day was even better. I was able to stand after sitting and walk without pain or limping. The third and fourth day I would say my discomfort was reduced by 80%.
After one week I was able to get out of bed in the morning with very minor tightness in my feet and after a few minutes was able to walk normally. It’s now been two weeks and I would say it’s almost gone. I actually look forward to putting on my work boots every day.
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Darlene B.
by Adri Sahagun • February 04, 2019They are a beneficial tool to my improvement in mobility.