Denise Kasgnoc
Protalus M75 has made me a new woman! I had intense pain all over my body before I found these shoe inserts. I had been seeing a chiropractor one to three times per week because my left hip hurt so much! The chiropractor could remedy it in his office but as soon as I left, it was hurting again.
The hip pain caused pain in my middle back, right shoulder and neck. My feet hurt a little but the rest of my body hurt so much I was ready to see an MD about possible fibromyalgia. My aunt had been diagnosed with this about 20 years ago.
Fibromyalgia, scoliosis and many other disorders abound in my family. My mother has already had significant back surgery and I was hoping to be spared. I order the inserts in May and felt significantly better in two weeks.
I have only seen my chiropractor 6 times since I received the first insoles. After 5 months, my pain returned. I bought new insoles and after 2 weeks, I feel significantly better. I have just ordered the inserts for my parents and hope that they will feel better too! Thank you Protalus!
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Darlene B.
by Adri Sahagun • January 02, 2019They are a beneficial tool to my improvement in mobility.