
Together we are better. Stories, ideas and inspiration for a #betteryou.

Neuropathy Treatment
Neuropathy Treatment
by Anna Heston • March 04, 2021

The peripheral nerves send messages from your brain and spinal cord back to your hands and feet. However, when these nerves are damaged, the messages become muddled. A person with neuropathy might feel heat, numbness, or pain when there seems to be nothing there to cause these feelings.

Cancer And Neuropathy
Cancer And Neuropathy
by Anna Heston • September 17, 2020

Cancer, and often the treatments for cancer, can cause a condition called  peripheral neuropathy (PN) that can affect the extremities and cause numbness and pain.

What Does Diabetic Foot Pain Feel Like?
What Does Diabetic Foot Pain Feel Like?
by Anna Heston • June 25, 2020

Diabetic foot pain, one symptom of peripheral neuropathy, is a result of damage to the nerves caused by long-term elevated blood sugar levels. Because diabetic foot pain can feel mild at times or can come and go, it's important to really pay attention to how often it is happening, if it is recurring, and if it is affecting your ability to go about your normal routine.