Diane Orton

Diane Orton

Yes, I have given these inserts a rating of 5. I had PF for over a year, but that is not why I now wear them. I have tried two other types of inserts one was Perfect Feet, and the other an insert purchased from my chiropractor ... The insert from my chiropractor ( I quit going) caused me hip pain and caused an off gait. The insert over rotated my left foot. I since have had ankle discomfort and low back pain. I visited a podiatrist who suggested " Custom made Orthotics. The cost would have been $350.00. I'm 68 years young and can not afford to buy these. Medicare does not cover Orthodics. I purchased your inserts, and after wearing them every day all day for two weeks my back pain and ankle pain are now gone. I do have ankle pronation and knock knees, so this minor correction seems to have done the trick for me. I wear them in my tennis shoes. My only comment is the heels of the inserts are a little hard after standing on them for 3 hrs. I'm astonished that my back pain has been relieved. I'm not sure if I have generation one or the new one. I will be ordering two more pairs ( or maybe I will win a free pair). As for those who are unhappy with the inserts and who have PF you must be patient and diligent. My PF took a year to heal. Exercise stretches especially the calf muscles done every day ultimately important. Wearing a foot insert every day whether or not they are comfortable is also very important. A cure does not come overnight, and I know that it is painful. Eventually, the healing will occur. Shoe inserts help you to the healing it just takes time. Also, it would be wise to have the back examined. Many misalignments or other problems you may be unaware of can affect your feet! I'm a true believer in these inserts they have given me a new life! I'm grateful that Protalus showed up on my FB page. I also wear them in my slippers!

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