
Together we are better. Stories, ideas and inspiration for a #betteryou.

Daily Steps
Daily Steps
by Anna Heston • May 20, 2020

As people find themselves spending more time at home, it can be easy to get a bit of cabin fever. One way to combat this is to leave the house for a daily walk. The benefits of daily and consistent physical activity are well known but how much walking is enough?

Things To Do During Self-Quarantine
Things To Do During Self-Quarantine
by Anna Heston • April 27, 2020

There are ways to nourish your body and mind without putting yourself at risk. Here are some ideas from the employees at Protalus…

Helping Those Who Sacrifice For Us
Helping Those Who Sacrifice For Us
by Anna Heston • April 10, 2020

Nurses, doctors, surgeons, speech pathologists, physician's assistants, custodians, and many many more healthcare facility employees have been showing up at our hospitals and clinics in the midst of the greatest health crisis our lives.

How Does Kinesiology Tape Work?
How Does Kinesiology Tape Work?
by Anna Heston • March 27, 2020

It’s likely you’ve seen kinesiology tape decorating limbs of the people around you on trips to the gym or just out and about. The often neon colored tape that can be stuck to almost any body part tends to stand out. You may have even considered using it before to recover from an injury. But what is it for and how does it work?

Running For Beginners: One Person's Experience
Running For Beginners: One Person's Experience
by Anna Heston • March 12, 2020

I recently started running and it has been tough. I’m not young anymore, I’m nearing forty. I’m not obese but I am not in shape either. I’m a soft-ish, old-ish, busy mom who decided it was time to take care of her health. Like so many people I talk to, I understand the importance of taking care of myself and how what I do now will impact my health well into the future.

Is Coffee Good for You?
Is Coffee Good for You?
by Anna Heston • March 11, 2020

If you’re one of the 150 million Americans who reach for a cup of coffee on a daily basis, you likely know that pain that can come with skipping your morning cup of joe. From headaches to anxiety to difficulty concentrating, coffee is a hard habit to kick.

What is the Calcaneus Bone?
What is the Calcaneus Bone?
by Anna Heston • March 10, 2020

If you suffer from foot pain, you may have heard the term “calcaneus bone”. But what is the calcaneus bone exactly? In plain English, it is the heel bone. It’s that hard bone in the back of the foot that is closest to the ground. If you’ve ever fractured your heel, you know the pain that comes with it as well as the lengthy down time.

How To Have More Energy
How To Have More Energy
by Anna Heston • March 05, 2020

If you are one of the many who hit a lull in energy in the afternoon or even wake up still feeling tired, you aren’t alone. The energy drain is so prevalent that an entire energy drink industry has cropped up around it. But is chugging sugar-packed energy drinks the only solution? And is the kick from a cup of coffee what we should reach for in the afternoon? There are other ways to boost your energy that don’t involve ingesting stimulants.

The Effects Of Standing All Day
The Effects of Standing All Day - Is it Bad?
by Anna Heston • March 03, 2020

But is standing just as bad as sitting? Hairstylists, nurses, cashiers, warehouse employees and so many more people not only stand all day, but they often stand on hard concrete. Many people in these professions have reported lower back discomfort, sore legs, and aching feet among other issues.

Is 5 Hours of Sleep Enough?
Is 5 Hours of Sleep Enough?
by Anna Heston • March 02, 2020

We all struggle with our own unique daily grind and sometimes it just feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. If you follow all of the health advise out there it may feel like you have to get up early for a work out, work your whole day to pay the bills, come home and cook a healthy meal, meal prep for the next day, and then somehow spend time with your loved ones in between. By the time you actually head to bed it could be midnight… only to need to get up early and repeat the process the next day. But how much sleep is enough? 5 hours? 6?

What is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?
What is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?
by Anna Heston • February 28, 2020

Its common knowledge that a consistent exercise routine is beneficial to your health. But is there a right time of the day to exercise? As a busy mom, I'm usually happy to squeeze in a workout whenever I can make it fit in the day but I also want to make sure I'm making the most of my time. One thing I've noticed is that a morning workout sets me up for success the rest of the day.

The Benefits of Brisk Walking
Benefits of a Brisk Walk
by Anna Heston • February 27, 2020

According to the Mayo Clinic, if you can manage a brisk walk, you can see a real improvement in your health and fitness. A brisk walk can help you control your weight, prevent or manage high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, improve your balance, and strengthen your bones.