Insoles for Sneakers
Sneakers are the shoes that most of us live in from day to day. Whether you call them tennis shoes, trainers, or sneakers, they are essentially an athletic shoe. Because of the athletic pedigree of the sneaker, some of them come with an insole that has been designed for support. But most sneakers on the market come with a thin or a shapeless foam insole. While that squishy foam may feel nice at first, it's bound to compress and likely won't feel great after a long day with very little arch support. Luckily, most sneakers have removable factory insoles that can be easily replaced with higher quality shoe inserts for sneakers.
Who needs insoles?
Insoles are already part of your shoes when they come from the factory. The inside of the shoe where your foot rests is the insole. Everyone needs an insole that provides enough support to keep their ankle in a neutral position so that their feet don't roll inward or outward. These slight changes in our posture from our feet up can make big changes in how we feel from small pains in our knees to constant aching in our backs. When the insoles that come with your sneakers don't provide the right support, they should be replaced with after-factory inner soles for sneakers.

What type of sneaker insole do I need?
The type of insole you need is determined by how large your shoe is, if the factory insole is removable, and the needs of your body. The best sneaker insoles for narrow, slender profile sneakers, such as a pair of Keds canvas sneakers, cannot take up too much volume in the shoe or your feet may feel squeezed. A low-profile sneaker requires a low-profile insole that still provides arch support, alignment technology, and perhaps some cushion. However, if you find that you have flat feet and require a higher degree of arch support, a sneaker insole with maximum support will likely be more of a priority than squeezing into a slender sneaker. In that case you would purchase the higher volume insole and higher volume sneakers. Most sneakers come with insoles that slip out with a little tug. For these, you would purchase a full length insole. However, if the insole is cemented in and can't be removed, there are many partial length insoles that can fit right over the one in your sneaker.
For Sneakers We Recommend:
The T-Series offers a moderate degree of arch support along with a slender, flexible design that fits well in a variety of shoes. The T-Series incorporates Protalus's patented alignment technology to provide the structure and comfort you need.

How do sneaker insoles alleviate common footwear problems?
If you've ever had sore feet at the end of the day it might be linked to the quality of your sneaker insoles. Shoes that have no contour to the insole aren't providing arch support. Worse, it might have a contour but the shoe does not fit right and it hits your arch in the wrong spot. If your heels constantly slip out the back of the shoes or if your shoes wear down on one side and not the other, it can point to other issues with the fit of your shoes or the angle of your feet. Good sneaker insoles take a lot of those factors out of the equation because adding a good insole into a shoe is like putting new tech into a computer. The shoe you see is mostly just the shell, the outside. The real benefit comes from the insole, which you can make sure fits well and corrects your alignment.

Can shoe insoles help when standing all day?
Standing all day, especially on hard surfaces, can exacerbate existing issues in the foot, especially in regards to stress and strain on the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the tendon that runs along the bottom of the foot and when the plantar fascia becomes painful and inflamed we describe it as plantar fasciitis. People who naturally overpronate and have flat feet will also more likely to experience pain when standing long hours. Insoles that provide arch support and redistribute pressure can help to prevent these conditions or ease their symptoms 1.

Can shoe inserts help with common foot pain?
Shoe inserts are designed to help your ankle and foot maintain a neurtal position, have support where it is needed, redistribute the pressure on your feet, and add cushion. Depending on what is causing your pain, these interventions could help relieve the pain 2. If you are experiencing pain because of excessive strain, misalignment, or lack of proper support, you may find that shoe insoles resolve it. It is important to see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis so that you know what you are treating, especially since some foot pain may be caused by trauma such as small fractures.
1. Sobel, E., Levitz, S., Caselli, M., Christos, P., & Rosenblum, J. (2001, November 01). The Effect of Customized Insoles on the Reduction of Postwork Discomfort. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from
2. Ahmed O Amer, G. (n.d.). The effect of insoles on foot pain and daily activities - Ahmed O Amer, Gustav M Jarl, Liselotte N Hermansson, 2014. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from

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